Learn why our friends at Flex Marketing Group believe that Ringba is the #1 call tracking platform for advertisers and call centers.
Flex Marketing Group is a digital advertising and technology company that generates high-volume, exceptional-quality traffic and leads for clients looking to acquire new customers online.
Daniel Steinberg, Business Development Manager
Bodi Mehrnia, Sales Development Representative
Can you please introduce yourself?
Mehrnia: My name is Bodi Merhnia, I’m a sales development representative at Flex Marketing Group
Steinberg: Daniel Steinberg, Flex Marketing Group
What to you love most about Ringba?
Merhnia: Ringba. The #1 click-to-call provider in the US. They help every single call center get what they need from beginning to end. That’s why Ringba is the best.
Steinberg: I know that they are a platform that a lot of people track their calls on and it seems like the top advertisers use them for their tracking platform.